T-shirts Painting Party
At TippTopp ART STUDIO or on the ART BUS
T-shirt painting is one of the most exciting activities for kids because they get to enjoy their finished project long after the fun is over. Kids love painting their own t-shirts and showing them off.
We provide a new blank 100% cotton t-shirt for each guest, along with fabric paints and fabric pens that will permanently adhere to the fabric. You can provide us with the t-shirt sizes and a theme for girls and one for boys, and we will do our best to customize the desired themes.
​*Please note: The minimum age for the entire group of children is 5 years old.​
Standard package
ART BUS (33 €/child) – 10 children minimum
ART STUDIO (35 €/child)- 12 children minimum + 30 min for the cake
Printable (PDF) invitations
1 art teacher and 1 party host
1,5 hours
White t-shirts 100% cotton
Fabric paints, fabric pens, fabric glue, fabric embellishments, paint palettes, paint brushes, variety of stencils
Tattoos for every child
Setup and cleanup
Premium package
Add more fun to your party!
standard package t-shirt painting activity + making SLIME
ART BUS (2 hours, 43 €/child) & ART STUDIO (2,5 hours, 45 €/child)